Letter Categories
Sample Invitation Letters
Find inspiration in our curated catalog of invitation letters. Each sample letter comes with guidelines and advice to help you find the right words.
Invitation letters are letters you write to request people to meetings, formal occasions, or events. As the name suggests, the first and primary purpose of invitation letters is to request the presence of the recipient and the second is to confirm that the recipient will be present. Although invitation letters are mostly used to invite people to social events, they can also be used when applying for visas. Depending on the event, these letters can be formal or informal. Regardless, all invitation letters must be sent in advance to give the recipient enough time to respond or plan ahead.
Great invitation letters are brief and easy to understand. Start by introducing yourself and write a sentence or two about the host. Provide the necessary information regarding the event such as the date and time of the event, venue, dress code, how to accept or decline the invitation, etc. Mention some of the activities that would be taking place during the event and which ones the recipient would be taking part in if any. Provide your contact details in case the recipient needs further information. End by expressing anticipation of the recipient's attendance to the event.
Letter accepting an informal invitation to a dinner party
Invitation sample letter to a dinner with business owners
Letter accepting an informal invitation to a Halloween party
Invitation letter to a business process modelling seminar
Letter accepting an invitation to a graduation ceremony
Sample sales letter to respond to a telephone order
Letter of accepting an invitation. Sample letter
Accept an invitation to speak or perform. Sample letter
Letter to accept an invitation to a graduation ceremony
Letter accepting an invitation to speak at a seminar
Sample letter accepting a lunch invitation
Sample letter to accept an invitation to engagement party
Sample letter accepting an invitation to a barbeque
Sample letter accepting an invitation to an engagement party
Sample letter to accept a formal invitation to a brunch
Sample letter to cancel an invitation for Christmas dinner
Thank you letter for accepting an invitation. Sample letter
Invitation letter example to a merchant to visit craft show
Letter accepting an invitation to a business appointment
Letter to cancel a dinner invite example
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Example of an invitation letter to a street party
Invitation sample letter to a revolver trade show
Letter to accept an invitation to a business appointment
Invitation letter to a publishing technicalities seminar
Invitation to a retirement party letter sample
Invitation letter to a business forum on handling budgets
Invitation letter to secrets of success in business seminar
Invitation to a company to attend a car expo letter sample
Invitation to a self-improvement seminar example letter
Invitation to promote product at a home builders expo
Letter to accept an invitation to join an organization
Offer acceptance letter to join an organization
Sample invitation letter to a sales seminar
Sample letter accepting an invitation to a business meeting
Invitation letter to a seminar on making money from a hobby
Invitation letter to an event to view ultralight aircraft
Invitation to a free financial seminar example letter
Invitation to attend public speaking and presentation seminar
Invitation with tickets to a home expo sample letter
Letter sample to invite someone for finance training seminar
Software update and information seminar invitation letter
Invitation letter sample to a money management seminar
Acceptance letter example to a lunch event
Acceptance letter to speak at a technology conference
Acceptance letter to speak at a women's health conference
Acceptance letter to speak at the aids conference
Cancel a lunch invite due to unexpected visit sample letter
Cancel an invitation to decorate a venue letter sample
Cancel or postpone an invitation - Letter Example
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