Sample Letters to Debtors
Find inspiration in our curated catalog of letters to debtors. Each sample letter comes with guidelines and advice to help you find the right words.
Letters to debtors are letters you write to people or institutions that owe you money. Mostly, these are collection letters to inform the recipients of the defaulted payments or demand letters to warn them about eventual legal actions. These letters are usually sent after unsuccessfully trying to get your payment, and it is time to take a more serious action. If you are running a business and you have clients who haven't paid for merchandise or services, your business could suffer financial uncertainty and difficulties. But then, you want to maintain goodwill and not damage the business' s reputation in the community.
When writing letters to debtors, especially those asking for payment, you need to be professional. Start with a friendly letter and if the failure to pay continues, get progressively more serious. Provide important details about the debt - state how much is owed and when the payment should be made. For subsequent letters, use a firm tone but be considerate and professional so as not to ruin the possibility of future deals with the recipient. Recount any conversations that have happened since the first letter. End with a note of anticipation to having the situation resolved.