Sample Cancellation Letters

Find inspiration in our curated catalog of cancellation letters. Each sample letter comes with guidelines and advice to help you find the right words.

Cancellation Letters

Cancellation letters are letters you write to a service provider, company or institution, informing them that you are dissatisfied with their product, service, or membership and that you wish to discontinue it. Cancellation letters can be written for several things such as canceling an insurance policy, a cable service, rental agreement, a magazine subscription, a bank account, order, credit, etc. The reason why people issue cancellation letters is mainly due to unsatisfactory or poor performance, not meeting the expectations, and at times unavailability of funds.

Cancellation letters are written in a clear and a concise manner. Go straight to the point and suggest actions you expect to be taken. Clearly state what you are canceling and explain you reason for it. Where necessary, include the details of what you are canceling, for example, account details. Mention that you wish to receive confirmation that the cancellation was effected. State clear steps that you would take if cancellation is not put into effect within the specified notice period. End the letter on a positive tone and request the reader to acknowledge receipt. Send the letter well in advance to give enough notice to the reader.

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