Letter Categories
Sample Denial Letters
Find inspiration in our curated catalog of denial letters. Each sample letter comes with guidelines and advice to help you find the right words.
Denial letters are letters sent to reject previous requests made by the recipients politely. These could be from employers rejecting a leave of absence for their employees, home owners rejecting prospective tenants' applications, or lenders rejecting loan applications from customers. They could also be from individuals declining an offer, a gift, or a proposal. Simply put, denial letters can be used in any scenario that needs a formal rejection. Denial letters are unpleasant to write, and most people put them off and let their silence do the talking. That is a missed opportunity (and sometimes rude). Though painful, it is better to give a quick "no" than not giving anything at all.
That said, writing good rejection letters forces you to think about what you really need from other people. Be brief and most importantly, if you do not have a close relationship with the recipient, the entire letter should be just a few lines. Use a pleasant tone that expresses sincere apology. Say thanks for the request and deliver the "rejection" news. Give the reason for rejection and if possible, offer an alternative. End by thanking the recipient for his/her understanding and wish him/her luck in the future.