- Express how you feel about ending your term with the organization.
- Sarcastically, let them know you will miss them.
- Conclude by letting them know that they made your workplace a second home and how you will miss them.
[Address line]
[State, ZIP Code]
[Letter Date]
[Address line]
[State, ZIP Code]
[Subject: Normally bold, summarizes the intention of the letter] -Optional-
Dear [Recipients Name],
Today is my last day working day with all you lovely people, and it makes me terribly sad - or does it?
Yes, while I did spend each day with you guys breathing down my neck, I enjoyed every day that went by and prayed that the next day passed off faster. Nevertheless, now that I am off, I am happy and so must be you.
You know I am joking, and how I feel about leaving this place that you guys made into a second home for me. I will miss each of you.
[Senders Name]
[Senders Title] -Optional-
[Enclosures: number] - Optional -
cc: [Name of copy recipient] - Optional -
Funny goodbye letter to coworkers.
Further things to consider when writing goodbye letters to colleagues
Goodbye Letters
Goodbye letters are letters written to express good wishes at the end of a conversation or when parting with the loved ones. These letters are sent to people you know well and whom you wish to meet again in the future. When you decide to leave a company, for instance, it is a great idea to say goodbye to colleagues and coworkers. Sending a letter to each one of them is the best way to say goodbye. It also helps you to stay connected. In addition, it helps keep the memories shared with these people alive.
Goodbye letters are informal, and therefore should have a personal touch. Let the recipient know the reason why you are writing. Mention your day of departure from the company. For each letter, add something personal like a memory of a great time you shared or a goal you successfully achieved together. Cite relevant information such as an expected change in a role or the person who is going to replace you. You might want to mention briefly what you will be doing next. If you are leaving due to a bad situation, refrain from making negative comments. End by saying goodbye.
Letters to Colleagues
Letters to colleagues are, simply, letters written to coworkers. These letters are written in a business or professional setting for different purposes. Maybe you want to thank a coworker for doing you a favor - write a thank-you letter. You want to congratulate him/her for a promotion - write a congratulation letter. Perhaps you want to apologize for doing something wrong - write an apology letter, or may be you have found a new job, and it's time to say goodbye - write a farewell letter. Although some colleagues may find writing letters a tedious process, it is a great way to maintain a strong working relationship.
Most letters to colleagues are informal. You really don't need to use all that formal jargon to people you know pretty well ? do you? Begin your letter with a warm and friendly salutation and the proper name of the recipient. Clearly state the purpose of your letter. Be specific and know exactly what you are talking about. Use clear language which the recipient can easily understand. Maintain a friendly and pleasant tone. Close the letter positively and with a note of anticipation that the recipient will take the necessary action.