Sample Persuasive Letters

Find inspiration in our curated catalog of persuasive letters. Each sample letter comes with guidelines and advice to help you find the right words.

Persuasive Letters

Persuasive letters are letters written to persuade others towards accepting the senders' issues, perspectives, or interests. Such letters are meant to influence the recipients' thoughts and actions. The recipient can be organizations such as banks, schools, and NGOs, or individuals such as CEOs, government officials, directors, etc. Whether you want to solve a problem with your bank or you want someone to help you or do something for you, Persuasive letters can get the job done. All you need to do it to convince the recipient to agree with your side of the story.

Before writing persuasive letters you need to brainstorm what you want, why you want it, and any arguments against you. Be brief and use clear, uncluttered sentences. State your main points in the opening statements. Go straight to the point and emphasize the importance of your request. Support your request with logical information. If necessary, provide a few testimonials that relate to your argument. Be friendly, polite, and factual, and refrain from using overly emotional language and judgmental statements. Agree to meet in the middle or compromise. End the letter with a powerful statement that persuades the recipient to be on your side.