Sample Disagreement Letters

Find inspiration in our curated catalog of disagreement letters. Each sample letter comes with guidelines and advice to help you find the right words.

Disagreement Letters

Disagreement letters are letters written when someone disapproves the opinion of the other person. They allow you to express your frustrations or concerns assertively and constructively. There are many situations that might force you to write a disagreement letter. For instance, an accusation of a company policy violation, poor performance rating, or wrongful discharge. It may also be a local government decision that could affect your property. When these things happen, you may feel defensive and angry, and it is important that you calm down and clear your head before expressing your opinion.

Disagreement letters must be written in a manner that expresses your opinion clearly. Outline the disagreement and briefly explain how you think it can best be resolved. Maintain a professional tone throughout the letter and avoid being rude to the recipient. Keep the letter brief and to the point and avoid adding unnecessary details that might confuse the issue or the recipient. Be constructive and back up your opinions with evidence, pointing out the specific error or concern respectfully. Avoid accusations and threats despite how you feel. End the letter with a positive tone that displays your confidence in resolving the issue.