1. Your response to the reader's refusal to your business offer should be confident and persuasive but not overbearing. You should emphasize on the possibility that the reader may have overlooked your offer. Explain that the reader doesn't fully understand the value of what you suggest. Be sympathetic if the reader refused because you may have hurt his/her feelings.
  2. Persuade the reader to reconsider your proposal by presenting evidence. Tell the reader that you understand his/her situation.
  3. Express your desire to begin a business relationship. Ask for the reason for his/her refusal if you don't know about it.
  4. Request a response.


[Senders Name]
[Address line]
[State, ZIP Code]

[Letter Date]

[Recipients Name]
[Address line]
[State, ZIP Code]

[Subject: Normally bold, summarizes the intention of the letter] -Optional-

Dear [Recipients Name],

I understand that you may be feeling hesitant about purchasing an entire language learning set, especially since you are only starting to learn French. However, there is nothing to be apprehensive about because our learning strategies will help you learn much faster than you expect. Before you know it, you'll be at the end of the last module! I would like to offer you the 10% discount for an additional week. Contact me at 434-3434 if you change your mind and decide to learn French once and for all!


[Senders Name]
[Senders Title] -Optional-

[Enclosures: number] - Optional -
cc: [Name of copy recipient] - Optional -

Sample letter to respond to a hesitant client.

Further things to consider when writing response letters to students

Further things to consider when writing response letters to students

Response Letters

Response letters are letters written to provide answers or information requested in letters of inquiry. The main purpose of such letters is to satisfy the recipient with an action that fulfills his/her request. A response letter can be used to respond to a query about company's products and services or just to respond to a complaint. It makes the recipient feel valued and helps maintain strong relationships between the parties involved. A response letter also gives you an opportunity to clear up any misunderstandings with the recipient or ask questions. Response letters should be sent promptly, and all issues must be addressed courteously (even those that seem irrelevant).

When writing response letters, it is advisable to keep the message short and to the point, taking into account that the recipient may lack your expertise. Make sure to address the letter to the person who made the inquiry and mention that this is a response to that inquiry. Maintain a positive tone even if the letter contains negative information. Make your response as clear as possible. If you are responding to multiple questions, for instance, consider putting your answers in bullet form. Close by offering to give further assistance.

Letters to Students

Letters to students are letters written to people who are learning in colleges or universities. Such letters could be from teachers/lecturers or the administration. They can be addressed to a specific student, students of a specific module/course, or all students in an institution. Letters to students can be written to address behaviors in students, give information about a certain course or module, or announce an important date in an institution. Depending on the sender and the content, these letters can be formal or informal.

When writing letters to students, you need to evaluate the content and the relationship you have with the recipient. For instance, if you are writing to give advice to one of your favorite students, make the letter personal and friendly. However, if you are addressing a group of students on matters concerning an academic program, use a formal and professional tone. Regardless, all your letters must have a clear subject line that explains your purpose. Convey your message directly, highlighting and bolding important information. If you are giving instructions, arrange the instructions in bullets or numbers. Conclude with a call to action and sign the letter with your full name, title, and signature.

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